Running on E

The heart is a peculiar muscle. Unlike its counterparts, the more weight it carries the weaker it becomes. I believe the only weight the heart was design to carry was the weight of love. (Don't worry... this isn't another cheesy soliloquy about being in love romantically. LOL. In humble opinion, it's deeper than that. Now back to it.) Love was the genesis of emotions. It was the love of God that brought forth the existence of man. God knew after Adam’s first few moments alone that love is best when shared, so he created woman.

Do you know the feeling you get the very first time you lock lips with someone you truly admire? I can best describe it as a rush of energy that electrifies the body and creates a feeling of amorosity so deep that you can feel it in your soul! It’s in that brief moment that you’re connected to the source from which you were made. A feeling that you know on a subconscious level is beyond yourself, it’s something transcendental. Time doesn't exist. Every other weight that you’re carrying from life doesn't matter, you even feel lighter. It’s almost as if you can levitate if you truly wanted to.

The battery fueling that emotion is the heart. It’s no coincidence that the very second that battery dies... so do we. Life still exists within the body if the brain dies, so long as the heart beats. If the heart is a battery, let’s assume its charge is love; and that charge pumps throughout the entire body, we call it blood. When blood isn’t getting to a certain part of the body, that part dies; it is void of the love it needed to survive. Let that simmer.

Equate that to the human experience. When do we feel most alive? Most would say when we are being loved or experiencing love. People are dying out here every day, first internally and then externally, because they are not receiving the love that’s needed to survive. If that’s true, then that would also mean we’re falling short of giving the full charge of love that we’re capable of giving. Most would attribute the cold hearts of other’s as the main reason to their heart lacking the warmth it needs to do its job fully. That may be a valid point however it starts inside each one of us. When we were given life, we were given love. Life is love and love is life!

If you’re reading this or hearing this, you've been given love as evident by the fact that you still have life. It’s always our turn to give it back. The main purpose of life is to give and receive love simultaneously, as we do, that feeling of amorosity can live. We can become immortal, transcendental, and connected to something eternal, that something beyond ourselves; and we can go that place where time doesn't exist. Don’t die. Give & Receive


Share this with someone, you never know who's "Running on E". 

Branden Wellington

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a powerful poem! I would love to see this on YouTube! You performing || Spoken Word! Like in America in four minutes!
