Looking Ahead

   Today is the day before what some may call... the biggest day of my young career. For me, life seems to be a paradoxical reality between where you are now and where you wish to be. Before I dive into what tomorrow is and what it may mean, I'd like to share a story with you.

     When I was 14, I made up my mind that I wasn't going to go to a traditional college and become a world renowned scholar or an expert in a particular field. For one, my attention span wouldn't allow it; but that's not to say that I didn't want to. In no particular order, these are ALL the things I wanted to be growing up: a defense attorney, detective, computer engineer, CNN news anchor, a salesman, United States military serviceman, internationally ranked chess player, professional basketball player, hip-hop recording artist, and lastly a model...(Catch your breath...) Now take a moment and try to imagine this. Could you picture a defense attorney selling rap albums outside of CNN studios before heading to his basketball practice?...OR when he's on leave from the service or not solving crimes...imagine this guy fixing your computer on the weekends if you promise to play chess while posing for the occasional picture... (You can laugh now)

     No one in their right mind could be all those things. There's just not enough time in a lifetime to dedicate to such a plethora of interest. However I wasn't in my "right mind" and I never pushed those ideas to the side. The summer before my freshman year I decided to add one more thing to the list and that was to become an actor. I figured the only way I could ever be all of those things, before I took the last walk home, is to play them over the course of my lifetime. So I went to a magnet high school on the other side of town and joined their theater department. This was the beginning of phase 1. 

    As fate would have it, outside of doing the school plays... I did the school announcements, played on the basketball team, I was chess team captain, and a member of the computer club. In between classes I sold potato chips, candy bars, and soda pops. Later, I built a recording studio in my bedroom and pushed my rap Cd's throughout local high schools. By the time I was a senior I was named student mentor and spent one hour a day talking to fellow classmates that landed in "in-school suspension". (Reminds me of public defense attorneys visiting their clients in jail.) 

     To bring it full circle, I joined the United States Navy in January of 2007. I didn't have any money or an acceptance into a film school yet, so I decided to follow one of my laundry list of interest. A few months later, I entered a national poetry recitation contest at the very last minute, and placed 2nd overall out of pool of over 100,000 participants. I won a scholarship from it. One month before graduating, I was accepted into a film school and later the Navy released me of my contract to pursue acting. Pretty dope! I guess that brought me to phase 2. 

     Fast forward through college years, ramen noodles, and a few short films later...that'll brings us to present today. Earlier I said "life seems to be a paradoxical reality between where you are now and where you wish to be..." I got into to acting because I wanted to be so many things and on some level I still want to be all those things...just from another angle.

     Tomorrow is the premier of "Paranormal Paparazzion the Travel Channel which is hosted and co-executively  produced by paranormal enthusiast Aaron Sagers. In a recent interview with Dread Central,  Aaron describes Paranormal Paparazzi as, "A very fast-paced entertainment news show that's not like anything that's been out there before." Dread Central central serves as a contributor on Paranormal Paparazzi with "The Dread Central Report."

Paranormal Paparazzi Newsroom Photo credit: Courtesy of The Travel Channel
The younger me wanted to be a reporter on CNN, but 23 year old me knows it's much cooler to be one of the investigative reporters on this show! Though it's unscripted and for the most part I won't be doing any acting, I feel right where I need to be. Most of the people I looked up to in this business found their start in TV. When I decided to embark on this journey of entertainment, I never thought that in my first major credit, someone would ask me to simply be myself. 
Investigating mysterious booms in Clintonville, Wisconsin
Photo credit: Courtesy of The Travel Channel

Wrapping this all up, I don't know what tomorrow may bring. However, I am full of optimism and excitement because I understand the hard work and time everyone devoted into making this show a reality. Looking ahead, it could be a fan favorite and spin off into another season. The potential here is limitless. For some of us, it could mean the jump start of future credits, sponsored appearances, commercials, or something else...you never really know what the future holds. I do hope it holds a chance to work with everyone that was involved again. It was a ton of fun and we had really great chemistry. So, help play apart in building the future of Paranormal Paparazzi by tuning into Travel Channel on Friday's at 7/6c... I have a feeling that you'll love the show!

Right now I'm off to rehearsals, building on phase 3. 

Keep Growing, Keep Going

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